A lot of the time, good quality gear on the cheap can be hard to find. I wanted to purchase a small canister stove but didn't want to pay a lot for a little gadget. I was beginning to research making a homemade alcohol stove for just pennies when I found this gem on
Amazon... The Ultralight Backpacking Canister Camp Stove (UBCCS) by JOGR. This stove is currently selling for $12.45 on Amazon. At the time of this review it has garnered 4.5 stars on 91 reviews.

The list weight for the stove is 3.9 oz. with the case included! It has piezo ignition and a HIGHLY adjustable flame. You can get a small flame for a slow simmer or dial up a rager to lift a hot air balloon. I used the UBCCS on a couple of weekenders this spring and it worked great. As seen in the pictures, I primarily used my
1.1L MSR Stow-Away pot with the stove. The flame spreads evenly across the bottom of the pot which lends to even cooking provided you're on a level surface.
Is this stove rugged enough for an Appalachian Trail thru-hike? Probably not. There are more rugged and expensive models for that. Will this stove work great for fun weekend trips? YES! You can pay $34.65 for the
MSR Pocket Rocket or $69.95 for the
Soto OD-1R for better quality products, but for $12.45 the Ultralight Backpacking Canister Camp Stove by JOGR suites me just fine. Buy the UBCCS
here. Visit JOGR's Amazon product page
Do you know how to disassemble this stove? I have one, and it's great. But I have another use in mind for it. I need to take it apart without damaging any of the parts.